Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008 Day 4 Recovery - moved to private room

I can't stop saying it... miraculous! What a miracle working God! Thank you for your prayers, today was miraculous.

This morning started with the beautiful sunshine in the room around 6:30am. By 8am I had my spinal fluid drip painlessly removed and was off to a big day.

Again today, no nausea, no pain, no sickness, etc thank GOD!!

After getting to walk to the other side of the room and sitting in a chair for about 30 minutes, I was wiped out by noon, but not before I took this beautiful picture.

Back in bed after Alyssa and Mom saw me doing my trick (sitting). Met with my Endocronologist who will be checkin out my hormones.

Took a short nap and woke to the nurse informing me that my private room was ready.... ahhhhh my oasis of peace rest and delight.

Got moved to Room 214, a huge energy-buster, and had some wonderful friends drop by to bring me contraband and love!!

Reconnected with pre-op nurse types who are looking after me tonight! Got up a couple more times to stretch out and I am feeling great.

Tomorrow will see my first post-op MRI and will continue with some minimal rehab... scootin' around the halls. If you drop by HEB bring me a Hugh Hef-type smokin' jacket to cover my Army/Navy Surplus Hospital Gown!!

God is good, His mercies ARE new... everyday! His joy is my strength and I am so blessed.

Thanks again today my beautiful friends for your continued prayer support. I am carried!


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